What is liit?
LIIT or Low-Intensity Interval Training is a less intense type of workout routine. However, that does not mean it is not effective. In comparison with HIIT (which has gained more popularity than LIIT), it is usually performed over a longer period of time (30-60 minutes). LIIT does not include any jumpings and it involves very controlled movements.
What's great about it
✅ It has a low risk of injury as it is not putting so much stress on the body.
✅ It is perfect for beginners of all ages as it won't be exhaustive or difficult to perform.
✅ It helps improve the overall body strength and cardiovascular endurance.
✅ Low-intensity workouts are much easier for joints. Thus low-impact cardio can be performed by people over fifty or people recovering from an injury.
✅ It is a great tool you can use to burn more calories when you're on a caloric deficit. It is preferred by many bodybuilders including competitors as you do retain more muscle mass while performing LIIT than if you would do a more intense form of cardio.
✅ LIIT workouts can be done with your own body weight which makes them great for a busy life when you don’t have the time to hit the gym or for when you travel and you still want to stay active.
Some examples of LIIT workouts that you can chose from according to your cardio preferences
👉A regular BARRE workout structured as a circuit. Personally I am a huge fan of Barre. Barre is a type of workout inspired from ballet that will sculpt your muscles and assist you hit your running goals. It’s fun and super creative and it’s definitely a must try.
👉A circuit style Pilates workout. Pilates is great for improving flexibility and balance, for increasing muscle strength and at the same time toning those muscles.
👉You can do a LIIT workout on the treadmill by choosing a moderate speed (6-7) and a decent incline and perform 60 seconds at 70% heart rate, then walk for 1-2 minutes.
👉You can do LIIT on the stationary bike and increase the resistance to a medium level, pedal for 1 minute, then switch on a moderate level and pedal for 1-2 minutes.
👉You can do a full-body circuit of 10 exercises, as follows: 30 squats, 30 lunges, 30 leg lifts, 30 side lunges, 30 arm circles, 30 bird dogs, 30 back extensions, 30 knee or regular push-ups, 30 heel crunches, 30 heel touches, 30 supermans. You can repeat the circuit 4-5 times, with 1 minute of rest between exercises.
👉Be creative and make your own combo! Use your favorite exercises and combine them to get a good sweat. Make sure you keep the intensity to a medium-moderate level. Chose slow-tempo movements and try to select exercises that will train all your major body muscles.
IMPORTANT: Although LIIT is a type of workout that is performed at a moderate intensity, you still need to make sure you do your warm-up and your 5-10 minutes session of dynamic stretching before you go into your LIIT workout.