Let's talk ‘CARDIO’

There are two main views when it comes to cardio.

👉Some trainers say that cardio should be avoided or done in moderation as it can affect your muscle gains. Also cardio could burn calories from your existing muscle mass especially if you're in a caloric deficit. Lastly, another concern is the "body's adaptability to cardio" which means that after performing a specific type of cardio activity on a regular basis your body gets used to it and it becomes less effective in terms of burning calories. And your heart no longer gets the pump it used to get in the beginning. So you need to increase the intensity and frequency more and more in order to keep seeing results. At some point, it could really become unsustainable.

👉And then there is ‘the second school of thought’ that highly recommends cardio, for both beginners and advanced athletes. Cardio does burn significantly more calories than the weights training and it is easier to do since it requires minimum to no equipment. Also, it has been scientifically proved that it has tremendous effects on the heart and on the entire body's health.

What is my opinion?

I think that both visions could be valid and it all depends on a couple of things: your fitness background, your goals, your health condition, your personal preference. 

If you enjoy cardio go for it. Just make sure the amount is optimal for your goals and that you don't overdo it. We all want to be lean so cardio is one of the best tools in helping us maintain a lean physique. 

If you don't like cardio and you don't particularly need it for your current goals, it's okay to do it maybe once or twice per week, just to get those awesome benefits for your heart and your lungs.

Extra health benefits of doing cardio on a regular basis

  • It improves sleep quality and helps with sleep disorders.

  • It reduces stress and anxiety and assists with depression control.

      It increases bone density so that you’ll have a discomfort-free old age.


💪 Find the cardio type you like the most so that you can stick to it for a long period of time.
💪 Always listen to your body when it comes to cardio. Your body will tell you when you can push a little harder or when you need to take a break.
💪 If you are in good health, train harder than last time (advice I got from coach Greg Douchette).

My favorite types of cardio

 1. Tae-Bo: This type of cardio is one of the first I tried when I started getting seriously into sports. The instructor was 70+ years old and she was full of energy. She could easily do a three hours workout.

Why I like it:

✅It's really fun and super energetic. 

✅It's not boring, you can do so many combinations of moves.

✅It makes me feel strong and fearless. 


2. Indoor cycling would be my second favorite.

Why I like it: 

✅You can always push harder than last time. I love sports where you can have some room for progress. 

✅It's a group activity and you can get motivated and energized by the people around you. 

✅Music has such an important impact on my motivation and the cycling music playlists are always THE BEST. 


3. My third option would be running.

Why I like it: 

✅It gives my heart a great pump.

✅Each time I run my mind makes a switch to a dreamy mood and I feel so relaxed after a good run. 

✅It's practical - I can do it anywhere and at any time of the day with no equipment. 


