It's not easy to be motivated all the time to do your workout. That’s why I would like to share a few things that help me get back my motivation when it's not there. 


👉I love watching people lifting weights on YouTube. So I just do that. And sometimes I would watch a vlog from one of my favorite vloggers, such as the one from Natacha Oceane, and how was she training for a triathlon. And then these people become goals and my motivation is back. 

👉I sometimes look at pictures of my body on how it looked before doing sports. I have never been overweight, but I definitely did not have a 6 pack. To maintain this physique, I have to keep going. 

👉Just go to the gym. Once you are there it will be easier to overcome the lack of motivation. 

👉Think of someone close to you that is fit and you admire. For me, it has always been my mom. She has always maintained a lean physique and has been careful with foods since I was born. Some days I think about all those times she said no to chocolate and showed up at her ballet class. If you are close to someone you look up to it will be much easier for you to do it. 

Let’s talk ‘FOCUS’ 🙋🏻‍♀️

From all the things listed, focus deserves a special mention and the highest level of attention. It is essential to remain focused and if you lose focus that’s your number one problem when it comes to maintaining yourself motivated to continue.

I want to approach the struggle of people to focus on something for a long period of time. Recently I keep seeing this concept extensively promoted ‘that you can do what you want, be who you want, which I don’t exactly support. I think it was taken to an extent that most people ended up being unhappy and having a lack of focus. Since you can do and say anything, how can you value an experience and understand the concept of responsibility if your permanent state of mind is fully guided by your feelings?

So you start taking guitar lessons, but then you get bored and take a break. Then all of a sudden you want to learn French, but grammar exercises are not that fun after two months. And then you decide to go to the gym, but you stop after you go on a vacation abroad, as you no longer feel in the mood and it’s summer, so you don’t feel like sweating is a good idea, you’d better wait for autumn to come.

The idea of doing something meaningful until is fully completed will always involve some kind of sacrifice. You need to force yourself to remain focused. The enthusiasm for anything doesn’t last long. The real challenge is to get there even if it doesn’t seem that fascinating, even if it takes all your spare time, and even if you feel like the progress is too small and it will take forever. You need to be unhappy in order to be happy. Is it a paradox? It’s a fact! People want everything (but they want a shortcut to it - “Learn French in 5 weeks”, “Get your beach body in 6 weeks”)

To remain focused you need to remind yourself that you need to remain focused, every single day, day after day. And you need to practice it. You need to eliminate distractions. You need to be dedicated.

Have a goal in mind? You’d better FOCUS. 💫


