When it comes to sports and discipline, you may think that some people were born with it, while others simply don’t have it. I think it’s a matter of actually understanding the exact pain you need to get through in order to achieve a certain level of discipline. People say that discipline is one of my best skills. Maybe it is, but I will be very honest, discipline is not fun for me either. It’s a constant work in progress and it’s more fragile than you think.

The Actual Truth

✅TRUTH 1: You need to simply force yourself to do it. For example, this summer I did a road trip with my friends from the Netherlands to France. On the day we left I woke up super early, went to the gym, and did my workout. Yes, I was not really in the mood, but I did it. Then on the day we arrived, after 6 hours in the car, at 10 pm in the night, I did one hour of cardio in my friends' living room, while their uncle was watching TV. Life happens and gets in the way, but you have to adjust and find ways to be consistent.

✅TRUTH 2: You need to be obsessed with your goal! Think about it, talk about it, put it on your desktop screen. Before having visible abs, I had a photo with a lady showing abs as motivation on my phone screen. I was looking at my roommate’s cookies, then at the lady’s abs, and I was ending up eating apples.

✅TRUTH 3: You need to understand what you’re getting into. When it comes to exercising done with a goal in mind, you can’t be half in. You cannot exercise only once in a while or eat clean for three weeks then eat whatever you want for one week. Keep in mind that to lose one kg you need a deficit of 7500 calories. If you eat 500 calories less per day you will end up losing 1 kg in 15 days. It’s the same thing if you want to build muscles, you need to make sure you eat enough protein, split it into several meals throughout the day. So you’re either fully in, or you’re out.

✅TRUTH 4: You need to find inspiration in others, either a friend of yours who achieved a certain goal or someone who has shared their journey on YouTube/Instagram, etc. There are plenty of amazing people out there to look up to. Personally, I follow the people I look up to as a motivation to keep up with my goals. Their success and level of discipline is a daily reminder that you can achieve anything if you work for it on a regular basis.

✅TRUTH 5: You need to make it a priority and find no excuses, such as ‘I don’t have time, ‘I’m having a bad day, ‘Is my best friend’s birthday. Excuses do not build muscles or lose fat. Finding ways can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. If you think of your workout as if it would be a meeting with your boss you cannot miss, then you’ll manage to fit that into your schedule, no matter how busy your day is.


