Although we know that alcohol is not good for the body, sometimes we underestimate the actual harm that can be caused by a few glasses of wine. Let’s take a look at its effect on our ability to exercise and the results we expect from exercising.

Did you know?

Alcohol forces your body to produce more urine. Each shot of alcohol that you integrate will simply force your kidneys to generate an extra 120 milliliters of urine in addition to the normal 60–80 milliliters per hour.


Effects of alcohol oVER THE exercising performance


👉 Since it has a direct effect on the brain's function it will impact your balance, reaction time, and hand-eye coordination => this can lead to decreased performance and an increased risk of injury.


👉 Drinking alcohol does dehydrate the body => this can cause severe dehydration at the end of the workout as the body is already lacking water after drinking alcohol the previous day.


👉 In extreme cases, when you drink alcohol on a regular basis, according to Healthline, your muscles can become stiff or cramped and even lose mass with drinking too much alcohol over time. This is known as alcoholic myopathy.


👉  It will lead to muscle fatigue and will simply prevent the growth hormone will no longer BE released => this will simply stop your muscles from growing so you will workout but see no muscle growth, as the ability to recover and the growth hormone are key factors for hypertrophy to happen.


 Why I no longer drink alcohol


I have never been much into alcohol. I used to be a social drinker, occasionally having an apple cider or a cocktail if I was going out. However, I have never liked the taste of alcohol that's why most of the time I went for the sugary drinks that would hide the taste of alcohol. 


Also, I never felt like I need alcohol to enjoy someone's company. It did not make too much of a difference if I was having or not alcohol. I am a pretty cheerful person in general and the alcohol did not add anything extra to my vibe.


Thus, one day I decided to simply no longer have those occasional drinks. It's been 4 years and a half and I do not miss it at all. It kind of came naturally to me and I felt that it would be in line with my healthy lifestyle and eating habits. All those sugary drinks were just empty calories that my body did not need. 


It's widely known that alcohol is simply not healthy and could impact your clear thinking, your ability to focus, your mood, and even the quality of your workouts (if it's being done excessively). That's why most times when I go out I would go for water or for fresh-squeezed juice.


While this approach might sound extreme for some people, remember that each person is different and it's important to find a way that works for you. This approach works for me perfectly fine and I encourage everybody to stay away from alcohol at least one month per year so that the body (and mind) can benefit from it. 



