Avocado is one of my favorite foods. I have been eating it for years without getting bored. If you haven’t checked it yet, I have a ‘Free Avocado No-Cook Book’ that you might want to check out for inspiration. All my recipes take just a few minutes and I came up with made the best combination for you to try. I strongly encourage you to introduce avocado to your diet.

Here are the best reasons why you should start eating avocado on a regular basis:

1 - It is super versatile and you can combine it with pretty much everything. It can be salty or sweet, you can mix it with so many ingredients and change its flavor. If you like spicy you can make it spicy. You can mix it with pretty much everything.

2 - It only has 167 calories/ 100 gr (a regular size avocado is around 200 calories). That’s not a lot and all those are healthy calories.

3 - It is good fat and it protects you from getting heart disease and helps you keep low blood pressure. You can safely consume avocado on a regular basis to keep your heart happy and healthy.

4 - A study published by PubMed Central has shown that it contributes to the sensation of satiety. I can confirm that it is my case that is definitely happening. I never get hungry after eating an avocado.

5 - It's simply packed with nutrients and vitamins. Avocados are a source of vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium. They also provide lutein, beta carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids. Shall I go on?

6 – It might keep you away from depression as it contains folate. Folate is one of the B-vitamins and is needed to make red and white blood cells in the bone marrow, convert carbohydrates into energy, and produce DNA and RNA. [FYI: DNA provides the code for the cell's activities, while RNA converts that code into proteins to carry out cellular functions]. According to some studies (see, there were found links between low folate levels and depression.

7- It protects your vision. Avocado contains two phytochemicals present in eye tissue - lutein and zeaxanthin which protect you from damage, including from UV light. Moreover, as per MedicalNewsToday, the monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados also support the absorption of other beneficial fat-soluble antioxidants, such as beta carotene. As a result, adding avocados to the diet may help reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.

8- Fights against osteoporosis. It contains Vitamin K which is a great helper in keeping your bones healthy and strong. Several studies have found that vitamin K can not only increase bone mineral density in osteoporotic people but also actually reduce fracture rates.

How to know when an avocado is ‘ready-to-eat’

✅ To figure out how ripe an avocado is simply press the skin. If the skin is fully firm, then the avocado needs to ripen further. If the skin gives way to pressure, then it's ready to eat. Another trick is to simply

✅ Another good trick to find out if your avocado is 'ready-to-eat' si to just look at the cap that forms where it would meet the stem of the tree. Just keep off the cap and look at its color. If it's great or yellow, then it's ready to eat, if it's black or brown, it means that avocado is too ripe.


